Therapeutic options here are based on EMA drug approvals with deviating approval details clearly marked. Drugs availability may vary in your country.

Media Library

Video recordings of already held online seminars


Online-Seminar "HER2-low im Mammakarzinom: Auswertung des Ringversuchs und Interaktives Scoring" (German language only)

Click here  for the recording of the feedback seminar "HER2-low im Mammakarzinom: Auswertung des Ringversuchs und Interaktives Scoring" with Professor Annette Lebeau (Gemeinschaftspraxis für Pathologie Lübeck) (German language only).
Published: April 18, 2024

Interdisciplinary Online Seminar on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Breast Cancer (German language only)

Click here for the recording of the seminar "Interdisziplinäres Online-Seminar zur Diagnostik und Behandlung von frühen Mammakarzinomen" with PD Dr. Rachel Würstlein (LMU Munich) and Professor Hans Kreipe (Hannover Medical School) (German language only).
Published: March 20, 2024

Online Seminar "HER2-low im Mammakarzinom" (German language only)

Click here for the recording of the online seminar "Ringversuch und Digital Readout Test HER2-low im Mammakarzinom" with the speakers Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Denkert from the University Hospital Marburg and Mr. Florian Sperling from QuIP GmbH (German language only).
Published: may, 12, 2023